domingo, 13 de diciembre de 2020

Maitreya and Masters of Wisdom Priorities - An Small Summary


“Nobody anywhere, will have heard before the thoughts emitted in the Day of Days. Never before have men heard the call to their divinity, the challenge of their presence here on Earth ”. -his presence refers to all of us-. "Suddenly, men will understand their life until that moment was a superficial thing, lacking, for the majority, of everything makes life dear: brotherhood and justice, creativity and love."

Italic citations belong to Benjamin Creme's Master messages, referring to the day when the World Teacher declares himself openly to the world.

In this blog I have tried to analyse the economic problems of modern societies, fundamentally those of Latin America, and I have mixed that with spiritual aspects. About these, Maitreya emergence (the Christ, the Imam Mahdi, Maitreya Buddha, Kalki Avatar) or the World Teacher (for that is indeed what He really is, a teacher) and his group of Masters of the Wisdom is the most prominent.

My previous links:




Who is He  

Masters of Wisdom

Masters of Wisdom

Obviously, the links do not answer everything, but the reader can find out for himself about the emergence’s process, which began towards the end of the 19th century and whose last stage was the teachings, conferences and books of Benjamin Creme, which continue through the organisation he founded, called Share International, which has members in almost every country.

On the basis what I have read, in this article, I’ll explore what are/will be Masters of Wisdom priorities, after "Declaration Day": the day when Maitreya will reveal his true spiritual status and part of his mission, on Day One or Day of Days. From that time on, humanity will enter a new stage.

Among the objectives set out in various texts and presented by Benjamin Creme in many conferences: there are 4 priority items set by the Spiritual Hierarchy with Maitreya at its head: Sufficient and adequate food for all human beings, ending world hunger; providing adequate shelter for all; provision of sufficient and adequate health services for all; providing adequate educational services for all children and non-children in need. These items are objectives, it will be addressed by reconfiguring the current global socio-economic system to try they can be realised as quickly as possible. There is likely to be some opposition to this, but in the way when we realise about the significant benefits that humanity can have if we decide to evolve by learning to share resources, these can be reached.

But when we talk about priorities, we must also talk about certain objectives that go much further. Objectives which are part of Spiritual Hierarchy or Master of Widom mayor plan. They are divine beings, very high in comparison with us. They must seek evolution for all human beings and for all countries in harmony and balance. Of these, from what I have read and from what I think, I would like to summarise for the reader, so that he or she may understand more fully why (I repeat from what I think) they will present themselves and act openly.

Establishing the God’s Reality: I believe, for the time being, God’s definition comes from the great known religions, the monotheistic ones, Hinduism with its variety of Gods and the divinity of Krishna, Buddhism through the enlightenment of the Self to reach Nirvana. Because it fit better with the timelessness of the teachings, many teachings have come through parables. So, on this aspect it seems to me, the Masters will start to discover for us certain veils to make them more palpable, according to the individual and collective evolution. The first is the individual veil, because it is said “God is in our heart” or “in our consciousness”. This refers to explaining the “human being” as a creation in levels or dimensions united in a clear way: the personality, the soul and the spirit, what they really are, how they intertwine, how we evolve. The second one refers to the omnipresent, omnipotent, immanent God. Everything is part of God and God is everything, explaining its different levels and again how they interrelate. The third one, starting from the second, is how the individual relates to God in His many forms. And the fourth, starting from the first three, is how the individual relates to his peers, to nature, to the whole planet, to the Spiritual Hierarchy and to the higher level. The fifth, though somewhat more distant, would be the next step, how our planet relates spiritually to higher levels, such as other planets of the Solar System, to the Sun or to our Galaxy (though little is known about this). Then, we see, there is a long, long way from the a “bearded lord” sitting in Heaven surrounded by angels and beings who arrived in Heaven to this new reality that, "I believe", it will begin to set. A vast space must be cover in time and different realities and interpretations will be explained.

Before I go any further, I would like to clarify why I think, the Masters talk about first priorities. We can't think of any explanations, although initially we will explain what Maitreya and the Masters consider basic to begin their open mission, more extensive or complex when there are billions who are hungry, who don't have their needs covered or who can't be properly educated. We cannot. As humanity these problems must be attempted to be solved quickly.


Recreating the Divine Mysteries: This is related to the first veil mentioned in the previous paragraph. It refers to the ways in which different spiritual teachings and activities will be taken up, taken up again, adapted, etc., so that many (surely those who choose certain ways) human beings will be cultivated, educated in spiritual activities. Some of this is already happening, on different levels, with the widespread dissemination of the teachings and activities of spiritually very advanced people, who are perhaps even Masters of the Wisdom, but they have not revealed themselves as such. However, I believe that this "recreation" refers to a more harmonious and integrated kind of spiritual education at the individual level and at the country or regional level. This will ultimately serve to establish the fluid relationship of the personality to the soul and subsequently to the spirit, and thus to all that God meaning. Surely, in the future we can speak about spiritual schools for this or that subject or level.


Establishing the Brotherhood of Man and Teaching Love: I would like to simplify this subject as I have read it, because it is difficult to put it into practice in the way the Masters do. First, Maitreya carries within Him the “Christ Principle” or “Love of God”. So that you can have an idea, planets more evolved than our planet do not have a being to represent this God Aspect. On Earth, we have a Christ and a Buddha (who carries the Wisdom of God aspect), although the Buddha will not appear in a physical body. This time also there will be several Spiritual Instructors working simultaneously. Spiritually we speak of love as energy, as the magnetic force that binds beings and the cosmos together. If we would want put this in simple words, I think it refers to how to improve personal, family, group, social and even environmental relationships. How to learn not to attack others and ourselves; how to learn to be harmless in our relationships; how to favour our inner peace, with the environment and with those around us; how to eliminate the guilt of ourselves and of the people around us; what is or are the best concepts in forgiveness, to forgive and accept forgiveness; how to create a correct global fraternity. I have mentioned some aspects, which surely are few in comparison with what the Masters intend, seem easy to write, but the daily reality in which we live, because of how the world is at present and because of how we are at an individual level living with so many complex issues, make it necessary to put them into practice in a real way. These will require different guidelines and teachings (not because they don't exist at present), adequated spaces and times in each region, country or city, to be treated, to be spoken, debated and assimilated by each one of us. Going back to the priorities, we see again how, in order to progress in these areas, it will better ensuring primary needs of millions of people first.


Eliminate fear: This refers, I suppose, to eliminating deep-seated spiritual or religious dogmas, primarily the idea of a punishing God, or with the power to show his wrath. God (or his world) has laws, to name a few: cause and effect; free will (actually limited to certain aspects); reincarnation. Also, in the inner aspect, mentioned above, trying to remove the idea of guilt, that we were born in sin and have to live through certain punishments. It seems simple, but ideas rooting over millennia and probably by various incarnations having lived with these ideas, plus the complex present situation where ideas are extremally divided, make this a difficult task.

Moreover, related to the fear issue is the fear to change. We have become accustomed to a socioeconomic system that, although it rewards certain aspects, also devours many aspects and engenders others that provoke a harmful coexistence for and among society. We see in this, the evaluation of the good and the bad of the present, how to choose, how to think about the new, harmonious and more comprehensive while getting rid of the fear of leaving the old behind.

Más aún, relacionado con lo del temor, está el tema del temor al cambio. Nos hemos acostumbrados a un sistema socioeconómico que, aunque premia ciertos aspectos, también devora muchos aspectos y engendra otros que provocan una convivencia dañina para y entre la sociedad. Vemos en esto, la evaluación de lo bueno y lo malo de lo actual, cómo elegir, cómo pensar en lo nuevo, armónico y más abarcativo mientras nos deshacemos del temor a dejar atrás lo viejo.


Teaching us the Laws of Life and the Aspects of God: Spiritually the planet is governed by certain laws, the main ones I have named above. However, Maitreya and the Masters will deepen the teachings on these and how the laws, the life of the individual, of societies and of the planet are interconnected. This, at the level they can present it, at a level understandable to us, will create the basis for the life of all to flow more harmoniously than it does at present.


The embellishment of cities: As far as this is concerned, in my opinion, several points that they will address, especially a few Masters who have more wisdom on this subject, will deal with how to reform cities, in general the largest ones, so that they become spaces of life in harmony, for their inhabitants, towards nature and towards the whole country to which they belong. Today, we see that many cities and fundamentally large cities have good urban planning. However, even in those that are well planned, spaces where thousands and even millions of people live badly coexist. I have discussed this with the following links (in Spanish):

Although, in my limited knowledge, I do not know if my proposals are in tune with what is to come, I believe the links correctly describe the problems.

There are also cities where there is no urban planning, even more so in developing and undeveloped countries, and many geographical sectors of these could be described as truly chaotic. We have to imagine that they are coming for the whole of humanity, so that we evolve and really live in the right way. I believe that this will involve very massive work by many sectors. After people had listened the Masters advices, we will realise the real need for the beautification of the cities. This, I think, will bring with it 2 main issues. The first is to shrink the mega-cities and repopulate certain cities that have been losing population; this will also involve the redesign of many cities, architecturally and functionally speaking. The second theme is related to transport and energy, which I will put forward as a further point.


Changing the way we transport ourselves and the ways we generate energy: Regarding the way we travel and transport goods, I'm going to think about some tips of what I think will happen (obviously it's a 25 to 30 year process).

1. Today, international tourism, although halted by the COVID pandemic, has flowed enough to encompass the exchange of people between most countries; however, those who "travel for pleasure" are still a tiny portion of humanity.

2.         After a few years, I believe that the greatest achievement of the Hierarchy of Masters will be to generate trust. When real trust is generated between people and countries, barriers fall. This in the tourism aspect will bring about the removal of many administrative barriers that now exist between countries and areas.

3.         As far as the forms of international transport are concerned, many large companies are planning zero emission transport in the future. I believe that this will be tremendously accelerated, because the Masters will give small guidelines on how to change the energy matrix. The Masters will not give concrete knowledge, this has to be clear; the scientists and engineers will do the task. But they will be able to say things like: why not research with such material? why not change the way light is studied to this point? why not try combining these elements? They know the answers, but human free will (though limited in certain respects) prevents them from doing the work. They are Instructors and a large part of human free will is sacrosanct.

4.         With regard to the transport of goods, I believe that internationally we should move towards magnetic forms of transport, something like fast belts that cross the oceans carrying containers. However, the elimination of ships will take a period of a few decades.

5.         Urban transport: with the redesign of cities, I also understand that with something similar to magnetic transport we will be able to move within cities. Cars should be minimal in quantity and more standardised, obviously with technology somewhat similar to hydrogen or with a style of water as fuel. In this sense I am inclined to this, because solar energy in means of transport still leaves the problem of batteries to be solved in consideration of the environment.

6.         Recreational transport or inter-city transport, I believe here that more attention will be paid to producing zero pollution transport, and if I had to choose, I would say that vehicles should go to companies that maintain and improve them. Each family or group will be able to have a vehicle at their disposal when they wish to travel. Whoever reads this may think: this is rental and it already exists. Here one of the main changes I would make, the companies if they make profits, they will do only to maintenance or improve the vehicles and not thinking of making money. It could be a kind of management cooperatives serving a certain region of inhabitants.

7.         Finally, energy, after having read so much, I think the reader already knows the answer to why the matrix has to change, not only for energy generation for transport, homes, businesses, etc., but also for everything that involves the production of goods and services. Efficiency, low cost and 0 pollution. In this link I expressed it a couple of years ago:


Creating a Knowledge Base Accessible to all people: Again, anyone who reads this can say: This is the Internet! However, the Internet is a means of access, not knowledge itself. Here I am essentially referring to the fact that, little by little, sharing technology, patents, and the creation and improvement of goods and services could become commonplace and accessible to all countries with any costs or very minimal costs. Lots of laws regulating intellectual property today need to be changed. They will also say, but developed countries will not do this, because they base part of their welfare on it. But I come back to the same thing; the Masters come to create an extraordinary degree of trust in the world, that is one of their missions, trust is created when it is also understood that they come to establish brotherhood and to teach love. On the basis of the latter, the creation of a Pool of Knowledge should not be a problem, all the more so since, with progress, the developed countries will also receive improvement from other countries.


To close this article, I would say that one of the most important points to understand is how humanity can undo many ties; ties that hold us back and keep us in materiality and involution. I return to the quotes I used to open this article and if we think about them, it is really impressive that today a part of humanity does not choose that, or that a smaller part (although with much power) decides for the rest. Undo many ties would allow us to evolve in peace, in love. A new world is possible, a world where perhaps all human beings can enjoy a degree of well-being as very few do today. And in this short summary I wanted to show you why these priorities are intertwined. Let us hope soon to see the beginning of this new and wonderful Age, that awaits us, and in a couple of decades to see this present as a distant past already left behind.