I wrote a
note in March 2012 titled "The biggest challenge" (http://nuevaeconomiaycomhare.blogspot.com.ar/2012/03/el-desafio-mas-grande.html). In that I referred to, as men and
women, we can not recognized ourselves
as a unit; I spoke that man as an individual and as a society is part of a very
broad and unknown evolutionary plan. Men and women are souls in incarnation
with an evolving purpose as individuals and as a race. Currently, when we are
governed by the maximization of individual efforts, we think that getting some
achieves general well-being will be get, we have a submission to market forces,
and not even the best economist is able to make a global definition that
implies a glorious future for all the people in this planet. Because of this
and not to repeat what I have been said several times, humanity is today with
around 3 billion people in poverty, 1/7 who go hungry every day, wealth is
concentrated more and more decade by decade and world pollution seems
unstoppable. On the other hand, I want to be very clear, although there are
similarities in the present or perhaps in the future, the opinions or ideas
expressed in this note and in the blog represent my ideas and not people
involved in spreading the emergence of the Instructor of the world opinion.
Now, why is
this vision of unity in economy so important? The answer is simple, because by
not recognizing men, through their actions in governments, in corporations, in
large financial companies, and in different positions of power, that we are
part of a higher unit, some variables are placed as priorities in a wrong place
of society. And many of them are harmful for the planet in the long run. For
example: Economic growth by itself implies or will help to ensure equality in
the wealth distribution without the business or property system being reviewed;
that profit maximizing of a company generate wellness in society; that risk
searching in obtaining profit implies benefits for society. A response has been
tested in this link: http://nuevaeconomiaycompartir.blogspot.com.ar/2013/12/hacia-un-nuevo-sistema-politico.html
The reader
may ask or think: As the planet is nowadays, as societies act nowadays, as
countries act nowadays unity is impossible to get! Who and how can achieve mental
openness necessary in the most powerful and influential thinkers and world
leaders to begin a real change in world priorities?
In this
note (https://nuevaeconomiaycompartir.blogspot.com/2020/01/maitreyas-help-is-very-close-world.html) I mentioned in a few years a great
Spiritual Instructor will emerge. He will be the guide and humanity adviser in
many aspects, how (i) Saving millions of people who starve to death every year
in abundance world and make ecological issues priorities for men; (ii) making
recommendations about social priorities so that appropriate food, housing,
education, and medical care become universal rights in all the countries; (iii)
Begining to promote an unprecedented political and economic transformation,
which leads the inhabitants to recognize themselves as a unit in this planet,
to see us as brothers, so that we could accept that sharing resources is the
best system that will lead to evolve to The humanity.
Maitreya or
The World´s Instructor (because He is a teacher in the broad sense of the word)
will not come alone. For the first time in history, for thousands and thousands
of years, very enlightened beings, who are known esoterically as Masters of
Wisdom, will gradually become present on our life daily in some regions or
cities. This group of Masters, among them will be the Master Jesus too, will
work strongly in the union and the new vision / mission for all the people in this
planet. They will begin to be part our present days and will talk about the
different and each needs in every groups of people, about our current problems.
They will try to canalize through unity and create consensus with their advice.
I will only comment about them, they have a kind of supreme wisdom, if we compared
them with our current leader’s average knowledge. They come to guide us, because
of humanity is governed by the laws of free will and cause and effect, and will
advise individuals and a group of different ideological thoughts. But they can
not infringe free will, which is sacrosant. They will show humanity's possible
path to an evolutionary leap through the implementation of socio-economic
principles related to sharing resources. This will be the path, there may be
stones or delays, but the path is already drawn.
presence will generate an effect blow so great, their coexistence, their advices,
and so humanity could approach the unity. They will foster one of the basic
aspects of universal love, the goodwill and willingness in men to work for the
good of all people. They will work hard to dampen the differences in ideas existing
among men today, they will work to create true consensus. When consensus is
formed, and I am not speaking about a simple majority vote, if not that a very
important part of society (perhaps more than 80%) agrees that such a measure is
the way to get or to solve a certain problem. So, everyone could take action to
achieve it and the sticks in the wheel will be smaller. Therefore, the action
will prosper.
At the beginning,
it will not be easy and many will not respond to their guidance. But gradually
a very important part of world society will understand and will follow their
advice. In conclusion, it will be humanity who can choose between adhering to work
with more cooperative principles, which in the long term generate a great
evolution in socio-economic, political, scientific, population, agricultural,
urban, etc.; or we continue as until now, thinking that this type of current
society is the best we can build. Once, under the advice of the Masters, unity
can be achieved, together we can move forward in the construction of a bright