Maybe a topic like this could seem estrange,
because this blog mixes economy with spirituality. But in order to understand
the change´s magnitude we will face as humanity, it is necessary who read this
has, at a minimum, a brief knowledge of why or how certain events have occurred
or may cover different segments of the society.
Since some decades ago, what has continued
until today, in scientific journals and / or of spiritual inclination, adding
from little more than 20 years numerous notes or sites on the Internet, it is
mentioned or written about the world has entered in a new era: The Aquarius Age.
Performing a quick review around what these
statements imply, we can mention the different implications of this concept.
First: Going back to very remote times, in
ancient times men, as part of their evolution wanted to dominate time, for
this, in the absence of mechanical means, they observed nature and the sky. The
Sun, the Moon and the stars began to grant the necessary parameters that
allowed them to organize part of their lives, the harvest cycle, the
reproductive cycles of certain animals, etc. As there were no precise elements,
Astrology was referred to as the concept in the study of cosmic influences,
whose origins date back to Ancient Egypt, Babylon, the Mayan Empire or Ancient
The famous Denderah Zodiac, discovered in the
Napoleonic era and which is currently exhibited in the Louvre Museum is an
example of the extensive study carried by the ancient Egyptians of the subject.
I ask you to look for in Internet. In addition to this, many ancient cultures
had astrological maps, or so-called zodiacal maps, this invisible connection in
different cultures, in different time, can demonstrate numerous similarities in
this field.
Second: From the astrological point of view it
is said that each astrological era has an average duration of 2,148 years, with
12 ages or zodiac signs the entire cycle would be 25,776 years. The Maya place
the cycle at 25,625 and each era at approximately 2,135 years. In Astronomy and
Astrology each era is a period of time that corresponds to the displacement in
30 degrees of the arc of the Earth's axis, due to the phenomenon of the
precession of the equinoxes. Based on this, an equinoctial cycle, that is, the
period it takes for Earth's precession to take a full 360 degree turn, occurs
in approximately 25,776 years. In other words, it is the period of time during
which the vernal point crosses one of the 12 constellations of the zodiac. Due
to the precession of the equinoxes, the Sun moves backwards through the twelve
signs of the zodiac at the approximate speed of a degree of space every 71.6
years, and through each sign (30 degrees of space) in about 2,148 years and
around the entire equinoctial circle or cycle in about 25,776 years. The value
of the displacement is usually rounded to 72 in the esoteric literatures,
several dating back to the 1930s, which places the entire era at 25,920 and
each at 2,160. The precession of the equinoxes is due to the Earth rotating on
an axis that is not stationary. It has a slow and oscillating movement, similar
to that of a spin that has lost part of the force with which it was launched,
thus describing a circle in space. Due to this oscillating movement, the Sun
does not cross Ecuador (called the vernal point) through the same place every
year, but a little further back each time, and hence the term "precession
of the equinoxes", because the equinox "Precedes".
Third: Under what was mentioned in the previous
paragraphs, and as the most renowned Egyptologists believe, if the Giza Sphinx had
the complete form of a Lion, so that it is almost exactly marked the Spring
Equinox in the Leo Age, which studied under The Denderah Zodiac must have occurred
some 12,960 years ago, around 10,900 BC. Following the same guidelines would indicate
the transit Pisces to Aquarius is being currently completed, so we are formally
in this last Age. Many other ancient cultures also agree with this and of course
with what prominent astrologers mention.
It is very important to know that in the cosmos’s
vastness, all the stars and their influences, in the case of such long periods
of time -more than 2000 years- there is
no exact point of change, at least for the common average humanity knowledge. So
it is logical to think about the influence’s entrance of an era and exit of the
previous one that is ending. This transition
period could last decades or up to 2 or 3 centuries, until finally the
influences of the new era prevail.
Fourth: The solar system inclination towards
certain constellation –in this case Aquarius Constellation- explains the transit in each era. The transition
between Pisces and Aquarius has been completed. The Solar System and therefore
Planet Earth point towards the Aquarius Constellation during his cycle for the
Milky Way Galaxy. Just for reference purposes, the study of certain writings of
the Mayan Civilization explains that in the period from 1999 to 2012, the solar
system will leave its nightly cyclical turn to enter the dawn of the galaxy. Our
solar system is being synchronized by powerful energies emanating from the
center of the galaxy during this era. As a common point of any astrological
interpretation, many researchers take into account, to reaffirm the theory,
numerous events -of which we can choose to believe or not-; being two of the
most relevant, the eclipse of August 11, 1999 that made a shadow cone in all
areas of warfare from Europe to Asia and the change in the Schumann resonance -
it could be called “the magnetic pulse of the Earth and living beings"-.
Fifth: From the spiritual point of view, it is
said the Aquarian energies will create the balance between the positive and
negative currents, bringing harmony to the planet. "This will give way to
a new balance in nature, and both people and nature will respond constructively".
This small sentence is difficult to carry out, which is why many affirm that
from the spiritual point of view there is no exact start date, but the new era
will begin when humanity has evolved in its consciousness’s degree, regarding
the understanding of its identity as a God’s Son and Brother of all other men, also
a large part of humanity should understands the art of self-realization (which
is internal and not external) and peaceful and prosperous methods of
coexistence and production are achieved for All the men.
At the same time, each era is characterized by
two major milestones. The first one is the appearance and / or expansion in the
world of numerous spiritual knowledge that seek to lower the barriers that
divide men on an ideological level and raise them in consciousness, such as
they may have been: the emergence of the global impulse that there is a only
God and not the separateness of gods according to each religion, the approach
of philosophies and knowledge between east and west may be another pattern of
these impulses, the growth continues more and more in an important part of the
world about concern and disgust for warlike conflicts -even though these occur
in remote places for some-, the manifestations and concrete acts about the care
that the man must carry out on his habitat, etc. About these aspects many people
could see, as humanity, we are sailing a great storm; but the clouds has
started to disappear.
The other milestone each new era guideline
brings, according to different religious and spiritual traditions is the
coincidence, although we cannot pretend that it is exact, about the arrival in
the world of a "Planetary Avatar". This spiritual being will help to generate
the necessary movements in all of humanity to advance swiftly in shaping a more
evolved world society. He is in our world waiting to introduce himself as who really is. But, He can not infringe our free will (free will is sacrosant). If you want more information about him:
Martín Pereira. Author of the book: Nueva Era, Nueva Economía, Nueva Sociedad – Una Revisión del Emerger de Maitreya y Los Maestros de Sabiduría – Un Mundo Pensado Para Compartir